Home विषयजाति धर्म Kerala govt is calling a meeting of the main temple board

Kerala govt is calling a meeting of the main temple board


Kerala govt is calling a meeting of the main temple board to modify ancient acharams. They want anybody to be able to do anything inside the temples. Things like “Sufi Bharatnatyam” will be freely performed by Muslim dancers waving communist flags and praising Allah (as VP Mansiya did recently).


If this is allowed it is the end of temples in Kerala. They will become picnic spots where jehadi youth will visit to tease Hindu girls. Hindus won’t be able to even worship in peace.


Some say it is aimed at ending the role of Brahmin priests from the day to day functioning of all major temples in Kerala. This will snap a 1,000 year link. There is a precedent for this.


Before independence, an aristocratic Ezhava family, which had trained Lord Ayyappa in kalaripayittu martial arts, had the privilege of offering a special puja. This had been granted to this family by the Pandalam royal family for being the guru of Ayyappa when he was the prince


The Sabarimala authorities took advantage of the confusion and uncertainties of independence and cancelled this privilege. The family sought legal help but lost in the High Court.


When the system wants to screw you, it can.


The ultimate aim of the Communists (in cahoots with the Church and Jehadis) is to loot the more than $200 billion treasure stored in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple. Plus the annual income of all temples in Kerala.


If central rule is not imposed in Kerala, it will be Kashmir all over again.


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